General Camp Guidelines:

  • Summer Camp will be initially limited to 18 campers total. We will re-evaluate this capacity periodically, and publicly announce when our capacity has gone up.
  • Camp will be divided into groups as of 9 campers and 1 staff member. Each group will remain the same for the entire week. Each group will have the same staff members (one in the AM, one in the PM) each day.
  • Our goal is for your camper to be with the same 8 other campers, and same staff member, every day, all week.
  • Each group will always be a minimum of 30 feet apart from the other. Groups will most often be located in completely different parts of the building, often even in seperate buildings entirely.
  • Families with multiple children will have all children in the same group.

Drop-Off & Pick-Up:


  • Drop-off will take place at Kids Spot Academy, through the west-side entrance (closest to Highway 251). Due to strict check-in regulations, our check-in window will be limited to 7:30am to 9:00am.
  • To remain a "drop-and-go" style drop off, parents will remain in their vehicles. A Counselor will come to your vehicle, ask you a few screening questions, take your camper's temperature, and will retrieve your child from your vehicle.
  • Each camper will be required to have their temperature screened at drop-off. Any child with a temperature at of above 100.4 degrees will not be accepted at drop-off.
  • Each camper will be required to wear a mask at the point of drop-off, and will be allowed to remove the mask once they are fully checked into camp.


  • Pick-up will take place at Kids Spot Academy, through the west-side entrance (closest to Highway 251). Due to strict check-out regulations, our check-out window will be limited to 4:00pm to 5:30pm. Please notify us in advance if you will need a pick-up time earlier than 4:00pm.
  • To remain a "pick-up-and-go" style pick-up, please remain in your vehicle. When you arrive, please call or text our camp coordinator at and we will bring your child to you!

Camp Coordinator Phone Contact:

Hand Washing & Sanitizing

Hand Washing:

All children and staff are required to wash their hands:

  • Upon entering the building
  • Before participation in each activity

Hand Sanitizer:

Hand sanitizer will be dispensed to all children and staff as needed throughout the duration of the day. We will provide hand sanitizer to all campers, however, we recognize that some campers would prefer to bring their own, which will be allowed.


We are going to extreme measures to ensure the cleanliness and sanitation of every space our campers are in. This will include a thorough disinfection of every surface before and after each activity, and a dedicated staff member who will be going between each group and re-cleaning every single table, mat, chair, toy, surface, etc, that the group has used. We will be using a disinfectant that is on the CDC's list of approved disenfectants to kill COVID-19 germs. Each night while we are closed, a professional cleaning company will be cleaning our facility.

Face Masks

  • Each camper will be required to wear a mask at the point of drop-off, and will be allowed to remove the mask once they are fully checked into camp.
  • The regulations implimented regarding masks at summer camps are as follows: Campers are required to wear masks any time they are unable to remain 6 feet apart in an indoors area. If campers are outdoors, or more than 6 feet apart indoors, they are not required to wear a mask.
  • We understand that many children in our summer camp are not old enough to properly wear a mask, or understand why they need to wear one at all. With this in mind, our goal is to remain at least 6 feet apart at all possible times. We want to minimize the time your camper is required to wear a mask, and maximize the time your camper can be outdoors, spread apart from other campers, and having fun!

Lunches & Snacks

  • We are not offering hot lunches for the month of June. We will re-visit the possibility of hot-lunches for July as the time gets closer.
  • We will provide an afternoon snack for every camper. Each snack will be store-bought and individually packaged.
  • As in the past, we ask that parents send a morning snack with their camper every day.
  • Our goal is to eat snacks and lunch outside as much as possible.

Registration & Payments

  • We are not allowing any drop-in campers, or any single-day campers. At this time, we are only accepting full-week registration.
  • You may register for camp online using our parent portal.
  • You can also register for camp over the phone: (815) 623-5437
  • We are not currently accepting registration or payments at our front desk.
  • As in the past, registering for any week of camp will require a non-refundable $50 deposit per camper. The remainder of camp tuition will be due the Thursday before that week begins. For instance, if you have registered for camp on June 1st, your payment will be due on May 28th.
  • Any camper whose tuition is not paid for the upcoming week by Friday at 12:00 noon will be automatically dropped, as we do already have a waitlist for each week in June.
  • We are normally as flexible as possible with our payment policy, however we must enforce this strict deadline due to the very limited number of spots available.

What to bring to camp

  • Every day, please send your camper with a backpack which contains the following: a face mask, personal hand sanitizer, sunscreen, tennis shoes, reusable water bottle, socks and a change of clothes (in case we get wet!), a morning snack, a brown bag lunch (avoid reusable lunch boxes and Tupperware), sidewalk chalk, and a rain poncho!

In the unlikely event...

  • If a camper is identified as exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19, the camper will be immediately removed from the group and all families from that group will be notified.